Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Summer 2012 has been going amazing. I have been able to enjoy being a stay at home Mom and spending much needed time with my growing family. Thanks to Jesse jobs he has been able to participate in most of our family activities. These activities have included planting a deck "garden", going to the park, going on nature walks (not as many as we would have liked), and spending lots of time with family and freinds. James is even proud to show that he has grown some potatos in his very own garden.
And now we are working on tomatos. Josiah has grown in leeps and bounds over the summer and soon is going to be a big brother. The baby is going to be born by c-section on August 9th, which is in 8 days. He/she has to be born by c-section due to the fact that the baby is a footling breech and refuses to turn. The baby is already showing his/her stubborn side before he/she is born.
I forgot to mention that we are all very excited to welcome this little one into are hearts and home. In fact James is getting very impatent since he wants to play with the baby right now! :)


  1. Thanks for the update.
    this is 1st time looking at your blog, and it looks good.
    Looking forward to more posts.
    God Bless you Megan & Your family in the years to come.

  2. Thank you :)
    I keep forgettting that I have the blog

  3. Now that there are 3 young boys, you'll have to get some new photos posted. Congratulations to you, Jesse, Josiah and James. Didn't I tell you he'd come early ?

  4. You sure did :)
    And thank you we are all very happy to have him home finally :)
